

This images were part of a personal project inspired by the works of Shakespeare putting his characters into modern contexts.
(left to right)
Macbeth is a story about a guy who was given a prophecy by witches; he fulfilled the prophecy by killing his way to success. Was Macbeth's success because the prophecy was true? Or was it because he wanted the prophecy to be true and thus made it happen?
In unsettling times we crave certainty. We cling to things that make us feel safe and empowered. This can leads us to believe and act in ways that are detriment to ourselves and others. In doing so this can create more divisiveness, more need for certainty and so we do more things to make us safe and empowered, leading to more detriment. And so on.
Our fixation on the news media is an example of something we cling to. The news is usually for explaining current situations; it can also manipulate what could happen (the original "fake news"). This kind of information are prophecies to us. Depending on what makes one feel safe and empowered, these prophecies can lead to positive change but more commonly down a path of ignorance, intolerance and violence. For the average person it may only affect them and those around them. However, for a power hungry person who desires more power these prophecies can be dangerous to the world. Fake news exists not only because it's made by someone, but also by our fear which conjurs it into reality
Macbeth is a story about a guy who was given a prophecy by witches; he fulfilled the prophecy by killing his way to success. Was Macbeth's success because the prophecy was true? Or was it because he wanted the prophecy to be true and thus made it happen?
In unsettling times we crave certainty. We cling to things that make us feel safe and empowered. This can leads us to believe and act in ways that are detriment to ourselves and others. In doing so this can create more divisiveness, more need for certainty and so we do more things to make us safe and empowered, leading to more detriment. And so on.
Our fixation on the news media is an example of something we cling to. The news is usually for explaining current situations; it can also manipulate what could happen (the original "fake news"). This kind of information are prophecies to us. Depending on what makes one feel safe and empowered, these prophecies can lead to positive change but more commonly down a path of ignorance, intolerance and violence. For the average person it may only affect them and those around them. However, for a power hungry person who desires more power these prophecies can be dangerous to the world. Fake news exists not only because it's made by someone, but also by our fear which conjurs it into reality
Othello becomes consumed by jealousy and his own inferiority when he finds his wife's handkerchief in the possession of another man and is tricked in thinking she’s unfaithful. It seems overly melodramatic and unbelievable, but I think a little Othello exists in all of us who communicate via technology; an out-of-context word, emoji or photo can be just as consuming as a Shakespearean handkerchief sometimes.
Othello becomes consumed by jealousy and his own inferiority when he finds his wife's handkerchief in the possession of another man and is tricked in thinking she’s unfaithful. It seems overly melodramatic and unbelievable, but I think a little Othello exists in all of us who communicate via technology; an out-of-context word, emoji or photo can be just as consuming as a Shakespearean handkerchief sometimes.
Featuring Luc Roderique, fellow actor and photographer. Luc played Othello brilliantly a few years ago previous naturally I had to ask him to be in this.
Inspired by Hamlet and the fact I’ve never visited an actual grave of someone I’ve known before. Graves (and ghosts) exist online now.
Inspired by Hamlet and the fact I’ve never visited an actual grave of someone I’ve known before. Graves (and ghosts) exist online now.